Waldrop, L. (2012) Photo from home.
Native Americans made shoes called Moccasins made of leather and sometimes decorated with beads, braids and fringe. Not all tribes wore shoes but many of them did. Leather is tough and made for good protection and was the best material that the Native Americans had to create a durable pair of foot wear. Buffalo, deer, moose and cowhide were the most popular of the hides used in the making of Moccasins and Buffalo was the most widely used of them all. The style of the shoes often marked which tribe you were part of and often the symbols sewn, usually beads, also gave you some idea of where you were from. They have lasted for hundreds of years being persevered and many originals are in museums today (Wommack, 2009).
Today people still wear Moccasins. They have become America’s longest running shoe fashion. In the style of the Moccasins not all that much has changed but the soles of the shoes have. The originals almost always had soft soles but the hard soles were used then too. Today hard soles are the most used because of hard floors, gravel and other rough things that we step on today. Many Native Americans wore the soft soles because it was better on the plant life if you were to step a plant unlike the hard soles that were harsher on plants if stepped on.
Moccasins aren’t too hard to make, just takes time and leather. For me I start with the soles, trace a bottom of a pair of shoes that you own on a piece of paper or cardboard, then cut it out and trace it onto your leather that will become the sole of your shoes. Trace it one way then flip over the paper or cardboard to the other side and trace it again so that the insides of both shoes will be the same and so will the outsides. Then measure around the back of the soles from the middle of both sides and cut out rectangle like pieces with the base measuring the same as the back of the soles from side to side and height at least inch taller than you want the shoe to be tall. Then you cut out the toe and tongue of the shoe. Measure over half way around the sole in the front so that the back and the front will be over lapping, cut it into an oval shape for both shoes, You can taper the tongue some if you’d like but you don’t have to. Next comes decoration, I find it easier to decorate if the shoes are in pieces, sewn symbols in beads or other decorative things to the shoes. Now you get to sow the shoe pieces together, cut holes around the edge of the sole and bases of the back and toe pieces making sure you have the same amount of holes, cutting holes as you go helps to not get to the end and have holes that were not used. Take a string, hemp string is my favorite string to use, and weave it through the holes of the sole to the back, over lapping the toe with the back, and go around the back of the shoes working towards the front till you get back to where you started. Tie a knot in the string on the inside of the shoes hiding the knot under the leather of the back and front that are pieced inside.
To put shoe stings on the shoes fold the top of the backing down about an inch and sew it down, It doesn’t matter if you sew it going in the shoe out outside but I like it better outside because it makes it more comfortable and that’s where you can fringe if you want. Run the laces inside the loop formed by the overlap of the top and you’re done. If you want fringe on the shoe cut the backing with the length of the desired fringe plus one inch and do all the same steps in making the shoes but when you get to the end fold over the desired fringe length and one inch and then sow it to the other side of the shoe, then cut the extra leather up to where you sowed it and make strips forming a fringe around the back of the shoes and then lace them up.
Thomas, R. (2013). History Of The American Moccasin. Indianvillagemall. Retrieved from http://www.indianvillagemall.com/aboutminnetonka
Wommack, L. (2009). The Autry Center showcases its Grand collection of Indian artifacts. Wild West, 22(1), 66. Retrieved December 12, 2012, from the MasterFILE Premier database.